Reading challenge for 2023

January 12, 2023

Adding extra flavor to reading with a reading challenge!

When it’s time to challenge your reading habits, you can seek inspiration and add extra flavor to your reading with various challenges. One of the most well-known is the annual reading challenge published by the Helmet libraries, which many book bloggers, Instagrammers, and TikTokers participate in.

Here at Akateeminen, we also want to encourage reading different kinds of books. You can participate in the challenge on social media or even from the comfort of your own couch! Can you complete all the categories in 2023?A book set in the summer

1. A book by a Finnish author
2. A paperback book
3. A book popular on social media
4. A children’s or young adult book
5. A book by an author with a hyphenated / two part last name
6. A book with a green cover
7. A book published in 2023
8. A book with fewer than 200 pages
9. A translated book
10. A debut novel
11. A book that has won the Finlandia Prize
12. A book by a Swedish-speaking Finnish author
13. A recommendation from Akateeminen’s staff
14. A book from Akateeminen’s top list

    Check out the reading recommendations for each category below!